Apk files for Android
Short info
In general apk file Skin Viewer 3D has rating is 8.1 from 10. This is cumulative rating, most best apps on google play store have rating 8 from 10. Total reviews in google play store 12602. Total number of five star reviews received 7937. This app has been rated like bad by 1719 number of users. Estimated number of downloads range between 500,000+ in google play store Skin Viewer 3D located in category Simulation, with tags shark and has been developed by AeroShark333. You can visit their website or send abiram1996@gmail.com to them. Skin Viewer 3D can be installed on android devices with 2.1(Eclair)+. We provide only original apk files. If any of materials on this site violates your rights, report us You could also download apk of Google and run it using android emulators such as big nox app player, bluestacks and koplayer. You could also download apk of Skin Viewer 3D and run it on android emulators like bluestacks or koplayer. Versions of Skin Viewer 3D apk available on our site: 4.8.1, 4.8. Last version of Skin Viewer 3D is 4.8.1 was uploaded 2018/02/08
Screenshots of Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
  • Skin Viewer 3D
Description of Skin Viewer 3D (from google play)

Skin Viewer 3D

A Material-designed application to load, view and apply your Minecraft skin or Minebuilder skin!

You can view the skin by using the 'View Skin' button.

You can select a skin using the 'Select Skin' button:
- from Minebuilder Online Skin Database (loginname required)
- from Minecraft Online Skin Database (playername required)
- from URL (URL required)
- from file (some kind of file manager required)

You can select a background from using the 'Select Background' button:
- from URL (URL required)
- from file (some kind of file manager required)

You can use your skin using the 'Use Skin' button:
- to Download the skin to storage
- to apply the skin to Minebuilder singleplayer.
- to apply the skin to Minebuilder multiplayer.
- to apply the skin to Minecraft PC multiplayer.
- to apply the skin to Minecraft Pocket Edition singleplayer/multiplayer.

Watch an app preview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvKMgMEy2k8

On the main screen:
- Press a button and you will see its functions
- There is a menu too

In SkinViewer mode:
- Tap (holding tap): Skin stops rotating
- Left and right swipe: Rotate skin in swipe-direction (and keep rotating in that direction when the finger is removed from the screen)
- Swipe, when an arm or leg is touched: rotating body part
- Double tap to show menu (for extra features)
-- Menu:
--- Show snow
--- Show rain
--- Clear weather
--- Slanted arms/legs
--- Zoom
--- Show/hide parts
--- Save screenshot
--- Enable/Disable auto-rotation
--- Close menu

Live Wallpaper:
- A 3D live wallpaper (skin viewer)!
- Double tap to show/clear snow or rain
- Swipe to change rotation direction
- For custom skins and backgrounds:
-- skin: place a skin.png file in /*storage*/SkinViewer
-- background: place a background.png file in /*storage*/SkinViewer
(*storage* is usually the SD-card)
-- or use the in-app Navigation Drawer to change both skin and background!

Minecraft (normal skin version and 1.8 skin version) and Minebuilder skins are both supported!
Minebuilder: https://www.space-walrus.com/games/Minebuilder/get/android
Minecraft: https://minecraft.net/pocket

Permissions used:
Internet & Wifi - Advertentions and obtaining skins and/or backgrounds
Read & Write - Loading, saving and applying skins and/or backgrounds

Libraries used:
JPCT-AE: http://www.jpct.net/
ZipI/O: Kellinwood
ZipSigner: Kellinwood
ZipLogger (x2): Kellinwood

Minecraft is a trademark of Mojang AB. I am not affiliated with Mojang AB but I adhere to the terms set out by Mojang AB at
Minebuilder is a trademark of Space Walrus. I am not affiliated with Space Walrus but I adhere to the terms set out by Space Walrus at

Version history Skin Viewer 3D
New in Skin Viewer 4.8.1
Animation recordmode update!
- Added: Animation recording mode for 5 seconds
- Added: Animation recording mode for 10 seconds
- Added: Animation recording mode for 15 seconds
- Fixed: Some SIGSEGV errors
- Fixed: Android 6.0+ permission requests
- Fixed: Application launch crash on Android 2.2 (or lower) devices
- Fixed: Drawer image causing crash on Android 2.3.x devices
New in Skin Viewer 4.8
Animation recordmode update!- Added: Animation recording mode for 5 seconds- Added: Animation recording mode for 10 seconds- Added: Animation recording mode for 15 seconds- Fixed: Application launch crash on Android 2.2 (or lower) devices- Fixed: Drawer image causing crash on Android 2.3.x devices
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Apk Skin Viewer latest version 4.8.1


free 4.26 MB
for ARM8 ARM7 ARM6 x86_64 x86 mips mips64 devices
Android 2.1+
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